Project scope
Dredging of new harbour area 1 mil. M3
And building of new breakwaters approx. 500.000 ton rocks
Duration of project: 18 months
Ships for the task
Jette Saj – Nicolaj Saj – Camilla Saj – Sabina Saj – Susanne Saj
Per Aarsleff
Project scope
Cleaning of 1.000 meter sheet piles
Duration of task approx. 2 months
Ships for the task
Nicolaj Saj - DBB Idefix - Camilla Saj
Project scope
Dredging to – 14.5 approx. 130.000 m3 sailed to spoil ground
Ships for the task
Nicolaj Saj-DBB Asterix - DBB Idefix - Camilla og Sabina Saj
Rostock port
Project scope
Building new breakwaters
Ships for the task
Nicolaj Saj-DBB Asterix - DBB Idefix - Camilla og Sabina Saj
Per Aarsleff
Project scope
Dredging of 342.000 m3 sailed to spoil ground
Removal of old breakwater and stones build into new breakwater 123.387 m3
Ships for the task
Jette Saj - Helle Saj - Nicolaj Saj - DBB Asterix – Camilla Saj - Sabina Saj- DBB Split 1- DBB Split 2
CG Jensen
Project scope
Building new breakwater Approx. 150.000 tons
Dredging approx. 11.000 m3
Ships for the task
Jette Saj – DBB Asterix – Sabina Saj
MT Højgaard
Project scope
Boulder removal and dredging of canals for FBC barges
Duration of task 7 months
Ships for the task
Jette Saj – Helle Saj
FBC (Boskalis-Van Oord)
Project scope
Rremoval of high spots in fairway
Duration of task Approx. 2 months
Ships for the task
DBB Asterix – Nicolaj Saj
Divo (Dredging international – Van Oord)
Project scope
Sailing with dredging material to spoil ground duration approx.. 3 months
Ships for the task
DBB Idefix-DBB Split1 – DBB Split 2
Rohde Nielsen
Project scope
Environmental Dredging of approx. 80.000 m3 polluted material
Ships for the task
Nicolaj Saj- Camilla Saj- Sabina Saj- DBB Asterix
Rohde Nielsen
Project scope
Archaeological excavation to – 18 meters
Duration of task: approx. 6 months
Ships for the task
Nicolaj Saj- DBB Asterix
Per Aarsleff
Project scope
Building of outer perimeter for Lynetteholm approx. 270.000 tons stone
Duration of task 12 months
Ships for the task
Jette Saj- DBB Asterix – Camilla Saj
Per Aarsleff
Project scope
Clean up of sediments in harbor basins to – 11 meters approx.. 60.000m3
Ships for the task
Nicolaj Saj – Split 2
Port of Grenaa
Project scope
Dredging to – 13 meter approx. 50.000m3
Leveling with plough
Deutsch Dänische Wasserbau Gmbh
Project scope
Dredging on southside of bridge for expansion of sail area to new bridge lane.
Approx. 29.000 m3 to – 2 sailed to spoilground “kogrunden”.
Ships for the task
DBB Asterix - DBB Futte – DBB Lillefix – Helle Saj – Camilla Saj – Sabina Saj
MT Højgaard
Project scope
Building of scour protection around bridge pillars approx. 200.000 tons
Ships for the task
Jette Saj – Helle Saj
SBJV (Itinera)
Project scope
Environmental Dredging of approx. 15.000 m3 polluted material with environment bucket
Backfilling of sand in tunnel trench approx. 21.000 m3
Building of stone reef approx. 600 m3
Ships for the task
Jette Saj – DBB Futte
MT Højgaard
Project scope
Building of breakwater and scour protection around Cables approx. 45.400 m3
Ships for the task
DBB Lillefix – Helle Saj
CG Jensen